
Technology Rocks.

With so many communication outlets via the internet, at times it doesn't even feel like I'm 6 time zones away from most of my family and friends. Although I'm only scratching the surface in making some friends here in Piteå, I haven't felt overcome with loneliness (frustration and discomfort; yes, but loneliness; no). From Skype, to Gmail Chat, to Facebook, to this very blog, to just regular old email, it's so easy to keep in touch with everyone, and I love it! Plus, my mom is using email, and that is pretty amazing.

However, the lack of technology in some aspects of my life also rocks. I don't have a TV. I'm sure in a month or so, I'll crave an episode of 'Friends' or 'Two and a Half Men' and may even wonder what's happening on 'Hell's Kitchen' and 'America's Got Talent'. But, not having the distraction when I get back to my apartment at night is really nice. I write in this blog, and I know that if I had a TV, my writing time would seriously suffer! (Plus, I can always watch some TV shows online!)

Anyway, today was significantly better than yesterday! The weather was absolutely gorgeous. So, after practicing this morning (see photos to the left of the trail I take to walk to school), I decided to go do some more investigating. Since the town is so small, I convinced myself that I couldn't get lost, and chose a different route than that of which I usually use to walk into town. Plus, I saw someone walking ahead of me that looked like they knew where they were going, so I decided that I was going where they were going. Hehe :)

I ended up on the east side of town (a part that I haven't explored yet), so I was as happy with my decision to be adventurous. I stumbled upon the "famous" burger place of Piteå, called Max's. It's the closest thing we have to a fast food place, I guess. I figured that today was as good of a day as any to decide for myself.

Enter culture shock once again. I starred at the menu for a long time. I mean, way longer than anyone ever should stare at a fast food menu. I eventually decided to just say "original burger and a drink". Thankfully it worked, and the guy tried to sell me some fries, in English. Although I appreciated his effort, I passed. Plus, the burger and small drink was expensive enough; 54SEK which is about 8 bucks. It was worth it though, the burger, which reminded me of a Whopper, was pretty tasty!

After lunch, I went across the street to the tourist center to ask them about the easiest and cheapest way to get to Stockholm. Flying may actually be cheaper than a bus or a train, and take less time, which makes me happy.

Next on the agenda was to go to the big grocery store. Daniel said that it is cheaper than the small one close to my apartment. Since I want to save every Krona I can, I sucked it up, strapped on my backpack, and was ready to walk the mile or so back to my apartment with some food.

But, I got distracted :) It was such a gorgeous day; I decided to check out all the stores in Piteå. I found a good hardware store and a convenience store. Looked at all the little cafes, and checked out some clothing stores. (If I want to fit in style-wise, I'm going to have to buy some crazy tights and wear them under shorts, or buy ridiculously tight jeans. Neither of which I see myself doing! Oh well!). The craziest aspect of the afternoon; I heard 3 songs in English playing at different fashion stores...some Michael Jackson, Taylor Swift, and Beyonce. I giggled to myself, and felt like I was back in Ohio.

After I felt that I had window-shopped enough, I headed down to the grocery store.
Today I bought some cereal (yay! and they had some familiar brands; Special K and All-Bran! woohoo!), what I think is turkey, tomatoes, apples, some sort of cheese slices, bread, pasta sauce, toilet paper, and my favorite: mustard in a tube

After making the trek home with all the added weight I was sweaty and tired. I chilled out for a bit before heading back to school. The rest of the evening has been great; I Skyped with Angela and Hilary! It was great to hear their voices and to see their faces. I'm sure my neighbors are annoyed with loud American girl talking to herself all the time, but...what can I do?!

I'm still in the works of organizing my trip to Stockholm, and the recital in October. More actual 'music news' to come! I'm still just trying to figure this place out!

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