Even though the music was silly and usually predictable, the audience loved it...and the reason I do what I do is to entertain! Plus, not only did the audience laugh a lot…but the entire back of the orchestra (percussion, guitar, bass, piano, synth, etc…) had our share of jokes as well!
What I think made the experience really memorable is the fact that I can honestly say that I feel 100% comfortable with being myself around everybody now. I hope that the momentum with the friendships I made over the past few weeks continue, because if so…staying here another few years will be great! (even though talking to my parents tonight on Skype did make me sad becuase I miss them so much. If I do get the funding to stay, being away for so long is going to be really hard! too many emotions at once!)
The orchestra
In our percussion/toy/drums filled corner
long rehearsals
Where I spent the better portion of a week
This school goes all out for its productions! really impressive!
every percussion instrument was mic-ed...and Alex made sure we sounded good
My tambourine chops really improved this week
trying to imporve my photography skills as well!
Before the show...the drummer/percussion guys: Erik, Sebastian, and Steven. good people.
As in the true Swedish way...the most anticipated part of SMASK was the party following the show. I have never seen a stage stuck so quickly in my life, because no one was allowed to drink until everything was put away. There was a ton of stuff (3 timpani, xylo, vibes, chimes, glock, drumset, keybaords, chairs, stands, etcc...and it all had to be carried down numerous flights of stairs!)...and it literally only took us about 30 minutes! Everyone started to party at the school, then we all went dancing at Kåren, then after-party at Kvartes (club house at the apartment complex), then some how about 20 people came over to my place for the after-after-party until the wee hours of the morning. It was one of my favorite nights in Piteå to date!
That was the gangster sign we made up for the percussion section...except now it really doesn't look like a "p". Hum. We failed on that one!
Erik, Lindie, Johan, Mikael, and Steven hanging out after the crazy show/night.
check out these you-tube links to my favorite songs:
I spent all of yesterday recovering from the day/week. Lou, Anna, and I hung out all day and watched the entire season of "Cougar Town". It was brilliant and the perfect way to spend a Saturday! I'm so sad that Lou leaves Sweden this weekend. It still hasn't really hit me yet, and I know I'll be really upset when it does! We are going to try to make this a great week and weekend in Stockholm for her...so I better go to bed so I have enough energy to plan another fun week!
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