
Sore muscles and sore brain!

Today was just one of those days.
I have no idea what was going on in my brain…but I felt like I was all over the place!

I slept horribly last night. I kept having weird dreams about blue people and snow and boats. Don’t ask…mainly because I don’t have an answer.

I slept until 9am, and slowly began my morning. My legs, booty, arms, and back were pretty stiff from the workout yesterday. After a shower and breakfast I began putting my new piece into Sibelius. Then, all of a sudden it was noon and I was meant to be meeting Lou (with the baby!) and Anna at Kåren for lunch. Whooops…late!

After an entertaining lunch (Lisa was hysterical amongst all the students, she’s such a charmer!) I went to practice. I only lasted until 3:30pm. My brain was everywhere but in the music. I kept thinking about blue people, snow, boats, and chicken…

That was a joke.

I decided to come home to just relax, get organized, and try to work more on Sibelius. I decided that streaming the new episodes of ‘How I Met Your Mother’ and ‘Cougar Town’ would be a good idea too :)

Diana then knocked on my door to return the bag I let her borrow and I invited her in for dinner…and
before we knew it, it was time to head to school to watch a Neo concert.

At this point I could barely climb the stairs my legs were so sore! Note to self…when you haven’t worked out in a few months, don’t do all of the hardest moves giving 120%. Ugh.

When I got home from the concert I streamed an episode of ‘Glee’, skyped with my mama, and wrote a few productive emails. I’m stretching and then hitting the hay! Hopefully I’ll be more aware and productive, and less sore tomorrow!

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