
First “Real” Weekend

…and by that I mean that I actually had a social life this weekend! After 3 weeks here, I was due to actually go out and see what the Piteå nightlife was all about.

On Friday, the Kåren (student union building and where I’ll be bartending with my team) was hosting a club night. I planned on going with a few of my new friends, and had no idea what to expect.

I started the evening off at Martina’s apartment, which is in the building behind mine. Our places are exactly the same, except hers is beautifully decorated and filled with a lot of things (as opposed to my empty place!) We had a few glasses of wine and got to know each other a little bit. Her life is really fascinating. She grew up in the mountains of Sweden with only 11 people in her village! To get to an actual town they had to travel 100km. Then, when she was 16 (she’s now 25) she moved out, and has been traveling ever since. She’s been to Argentina, Chile, throughout Europe, India, and many other places. It would crack me up when she would start a story like “when I was in Fiji…”. She lived in Oslo for a few months and she may come with me when I go in November to teach with Anders. This is the beginning of a great friendship for sure!

After we were done sharing stories, we met up with our friends Sarah and Caroline before heading to a party at a girl’s apartment that I didn’t know. Then, all of a sudden I realized that the party was being held at my next door neighbor’s! I couldn’t believe it. Her name is Emelie and I hadn’t had the chance to introduce myself yet. We had a good laugh when we finally did meet.

The party was pretty cool. A lot of people kept asking me about parties in the states and if it’s the same as in all the college movies. I think I may have to have a beer pong party one of these days (considering no one knows how to play here)…with the red cups and everything. It would be a big hit! We played a few fun drinking games that involved clapping with numbers, and everyone was impressed that I could count to 10 in Swedish all by myself!

Caroline, Hannah, me, and Martina at Emelie's

By the time we left to go to the Kåren, I was already tired, but followed the crowd anyway. Unfortunately, it was the coldest night that we’ve had yet, and everyone is saying that winter is very near! I actually can’t wait for the snow!

The “Club” at the Kåren was pretty cool. I got in for free since I’m on a bartending team, which is nice! There were a lot of people dancing and small groups hanging out and talking. I met a few new people, but mainly stuck by the people I knew. It was a little different that going out in the States because it was ONLY people from school. It’s good for me because I’m meeting everyone, but it seems like there is a lot of drama that goes on! I heard many stories throughout the evening!

Matilda and I at Kåren

Sara and Caroline dancing!

I was home by 2am and crashed pretty quickly! End part one of the weekend….
On Saturday Matilda invited me to a party. Matilda is great and had tons of energy. She spent a year in L.A. as a nanny and is really easy to get along with. She said she would call when she was in my building, because that’s where the pre-party was at. However when she called me, I went up to the 4th floor and couldn’t find her. All of the buildings look the same in this area and are just numbered 79B, 81A, 85A, etc. She thought she was in my building, but she wasn’t! I wondered around for awhile until we could figure out where she was. It was an hysterically confusing moment!

I didn’t know anyone else at this small get together, but everyone was really nice. They all had very Swedish names that I could barely pronounce, so I renamed everyone with Joe or Bob or Megan. :)  Also, this weekend I learned that when people go out here, they always bring there own drinks no matter what. I’m broke, so I don’t think I’m going to be doing much drinking, which is healthier, so that’s good!

I had a really funny conversation with a guy about names in the US. He couldn’t understand why anyone would name their kid Dick. I tried to explain that it was a shortened version of Richard, but he still didn’t get it. And, the more I thought about it…neither do I!

After this pre-party, we all went to the actual party. It was nice knowing more people as we headed to a new apartment with a ton of people in it. I had a blast the whole time I was there! All of my new friends were there, and it was better environment than the Kåren. I could easily talk to people and got to know a lot of new students. The weirdest thing is that most of the people that I am getting close to are not musicians. They are all majoring in TV, radio, event production, or something else in the media department. I’ve only met a handful of musicians (Linda and her friends, and the percussionists). Where are all the musicians!?!?!?! I’ll be excited when ensembles finally start, that’s for sure!

Sofia, Martina and I walking home after the party!

Overall, I think that Piteå is a pretty cool place on the weekends. I’m glad that I’m living in student housing so that I’m so close to the action! Plus, my new friends are AMAZING! I can't believe I've clicked with such great people already. I hope that this momentum doesn't stop!

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