
One Week

Well, I thought that the end of summer would never get here, and now I can hardly believe that a week from today I will be in Sweden!

This summer has been....different. I was really excited to live at home with my parents for awhile, and just "chill" after finishing at Eastman. Evidently, I don't "chill" very well. The past two months have been an emotional and mental roller coaster. I worked at a Subway restaurant owned by my cousin (thanks for the job, Jay!), and spent the rest of the time planning and worrying about moving, finances, and my career. I often felt lost and confused. Also, I was not able to find a marimba to practice on while here in Cincinnati, which put my plans for a recital on hold. In turn, I haven't been very musically motivated. Throughout the ups and downs of this time at home, I have learned a very important lesson:

I need music and direction in my life to be truly happy and healthy!

The past couple of weeks have been significantly better now that I am completely immersed in the planning process for moving to Piteå. Do I still have sleepless nights? Of course! I'm moving to a foreign country. I'm crazy. I don't know the language. I don't have that much money. I have no idea what my schedule is going to be like. I don't have a job. I have to set up a bank account, using Krona. I have to conquer freezing temperatures.

But: I'm moving to a foreign country!!!! I'll be surrounded by musicians. I'll have amazing opportunities to study with great teachers. I'll get to hang out with Anders and Daniel. I'll meet new, diverse people. I'll travel! I'll get to practice and PERFORM!

When comparing the facts, I think this is a pretty good deal. I'm prepared for the first few days to be challenging, lonely, and confusing. I am just focusing on how much of myself I will discover because of this journey.

I know that this week is going to go by in a flash. Packing wise, I'm in pretty good shape. I have checked everything off of my endless lists, and am praying that my preparations will pay off. I've been trying to spend time with family and friends before I leave, and am really excited that my grandma and Aunt Betsy are visiting this weekend. I haven't seen them in a long time, and am looking forward to receiving some good advice!

I'll be updating much more often as the adventure begins...

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