During the last few months Anders has been talking to the administration in Piteå about starting an official Masters Performance Program for international students I’ve been acting as a coordinator and taking care of some paperwork (because I like that kind of stuff)…and the program is going to be amazing! Here is the summary we created:
Masters in Music: Percussion Performance
Two Year Quartet Residency
at the School of Music and Media in Piteå, Sweden
Experience a life as a performing musician while earning a Masters degree.
The Piteå School of Music and Media of the Luleå University of Technology announces the creation of a new program for percussionists. Under the guidance and tutelage of Anders Åstrand, four international students will be chosen to undergo a two year program in music performance. The program offers a unique and progressive experience; as a unit, the students will be responsible for establishing a functioning and active percussion quartet.
The education will revolve around the practical application of the skills needed to form and sustain an active percussion group. Students will have the time and tools available to immerse themselves in every detail in becoming a successful, active, and innovative ensemble.
At the university, students will have access to high quality instruments and a brand new, acoustically progressive recital hall. In addition to the state-of-the-art facilities, students will have the opportunity to collaborate with sound engineers, lighting designers, video producers, journalists, radio producers, dancers, composers, and other talented and diverse musicians. Åstrand will be involved by exposing the students to new musical ideas through group improvisation and coachings, by encouraging creativity through one-on-one guidance in composition and playing, and by acting as a mentor and liaison whilst organizing quartet projects and manifesting new ideas.
The ensemble will have the freedom to choose their artistic direction with the supervision of Åstrand. Along with establishing repertoire, designing performances, and recording new music, the ensemble will be responsible for conceptualizing various outreach events. The group will be expected to take part in at least one international percussion festival during the residency and organize a Scandinavian tour during the second year. During this tour, the ensemble will present seminars and master-classes along with a performing component.
After completing the two year program, each member of the quartet will have the practical education needed to sustain a performing career. The Masters degree will be awarded upon review and analysis of audio and video recordings, compositions, performances, and unique group projects.
When I first began helping Anders brainstorm ideas and organize this program, I had no intention of staying in Sweden. It’s already crazy enough that I decided to move here last September, and two more years just seemed insane. However, the more we’ve talked, the more attractive this program and my continued studies with Anders has become. Plus, Anders made it clear that he would really like me to stay as the coordinator for the program. The Piteå School of Music and Media of the Luleå University of Technology announces the creation of a new program for percussionists. Under the guidance and tutelage of Anders Åstrand, four international students will be chosen to undergo a two year program in music performance. The program offers a unique and progressive experience; as a unit, the students will be responsible for establishing a functioning and active percussion quartet.
The education will revolve around the practical application of the skills needed to form and sustain an active percussion group. Students will have the time and tools available to immerse themselves in every detail in becoming a successful, active, and innovative ensemble.
At the university, students will have access to high quality instruments and a brand new, acoustically progressive recital hall. In addition to the state-of-the-art facilities, students will have the opportunity to collaborate with sound engineers, lighting designers, video producers, journalists, radio producers, dancers, composers, and other talented and diverse musicians. Åstrand will be involved by exposing the students to new musical ideas through group improvisation and coachings, by encouraging creativity through one-on-one guidance in composition and playing, and by acting as a mentor and liaison whilst organizing quartet projects and manifesting new ideas.
The ensemble will have the freedom to choose their artistic direction with the supervision of Åstrand. Along with establishing repertoire, designing performances, and recording new music, the ensemble will be responsible for conceptualizing various outreach events. The group will be expected to take part in at least one international percussion festival during the residency and organize a Scandinavian tour during the second year. During this tour, the ensemble will present seminars and master-classes along with a performing component.
After completing the two year program, each member of the quartet will have the practical education needed to sustain a performing career. The Masters degree will be awarded upon review and analysis of audio and video recordings, compositions, performances, and unique group projects.
I told him that the only way I could live here for another few years is if I had a fulltime job. Financially it is impossible for me to continue living here just gigging and teaching here and there. He tried to get me a job at Framnus and we discussed teaching some percussion classes at the University. I will be able to teach the classes, but the salary will not be enough to cover the cost of living.
Then, I called a few organizations to ask about scholarships and grants for foreign Masters Students. When I talked to a representative from the Swedish Institution they said that they don’t fund the Masters level, only the PhD level.
- DING! -
Why didn’t I think of this before?! I already have a Masters degree…and the next logical step is a Doctorate. It would be silly to receive two of the same degrees, so why not go for the next level? I told Anders and Micke my idea, and had a meeting with the man in charge of graduate studies soon after. He told me that I was inquiring about Doctorial studies at the perfect time, because the government is funding 12 new arts positions for next year, and Piteå is getting two of them. They are fully funded, salary positions that cover all expenses. Plus, the program and thesis topic is individual to each person.
The application opens on March 15, and I told him that I could probably send mine in tomorrow if I needed to! I will be competing with a lot of other students, but I am trying to be optimistic. I think I’ve made a good impression on the administration thus far, and they know that I am a positive addition to the Musikhögskolan community.
The degree itself isn’t that important to me, but if I am able to stay I’ll be able to do so much performing and touring…and starting a percussion ensemble has always been a goal of mine. Plus, the professional contacts I’ve been making through Anders have been really great. If I don’t do everything I can to try and make this happen I feel like I would be letting this amazing life experience fly by…so I’m putting up a fight :)
Keep your fingers crossed, because this could take my life in a direction I never saw coming! Plus, in a few years you will have to call me Dr. Finkelmeier…hahahahahahaha
Please comment with any thoughts or ideas!! Who reads this thing anyway?!